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other for sale in Wuppertal - Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


42105 Wuppertal - Nordrhein-Westfalen


  • Balkone 1
  • Garten
  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Wir freuen uns, Ihnen diese fantastische Immobiliengelegenheit auf der Wülfrather Straße 18, 42105 Wuppertal vorzustellen. Diese besonders charmante Wohnadresse befindet sich in einer ruhigen Straße, die Ihnen als Kapitalanleger zuverlässige Renditen bringt.Das ca. 1900 erbaute Objekt bietet 11 Wohneinheiten mit Wohnungsgrößen zwischen ca. 39,5 und ca. 79 m². Die Grundstücksgröße beträgt 315 m². Der Innenhof ist ansprechend gestaltet und steht der gesamten Mieterschaft zur Nutzung frei. Es ist die perfekte Kapitalanlage, da es keinen Leerstand und wenig Mieterfluktuation gibt. Die Jahres-Netto-Kaltmiete beträgt zur Zeit: 40.908,12 €. Es besteht jedoch erhebliches Mietsteigerungspotenzial.Alle Angabe beruhen auf den Angaben des Eigentümers.

Property summary

Buyer Perspective: Price: 0€, Wuppertal, Nordrhein-Westfalen This stunning property on Wulfrather Straße 18 is conveniently located in a quiet street, providing a valuable and reliable source of rental income for real estate investors. The building, constructed in 1900, houses 11 apartments with varying living spaces ranging from approximately 39.5 to 79 sqm, allowing for maximum versatility in attracting potential tenants. The spacious inner courtyard, accessible to all residents, adds to the charm of the property and ensures a pleasant, communal living environment. The property boasts a long history of zero vacancies and minimal tenant turnover, making it an attractive prospect for investors seeking steady cash flow. The current annual net cold rent is €40,908.12, with ample potential for rental increases in the future. Address: Wulfrather Straße 18, 42105 Wuppertal, Nordrhein-Westfalen From a lifestyle perspective, owning this property would provide immediate access to the vibrant cultural and social scene of Wuppertal, a city known for its rich history and contemporary. Real Estate Investment Perspective: While the property's estimated market value is unknown, the long track record of stable occupancy and minimal tenant turnover make it an appealing investment opportunity. The geographical location and charming design of the building are significant additional factors that support upside potential for rental growth. The current net cold rent of €40,908.12 also presents a strong financial return on investment, making it an excellent choice for those looking to add to their portfolio or entering the market for the first time.


42105 Wuppertal - Nordrhein-Westfalen

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