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other for sale in Lemgo, Germany

250 000€

32657 Lemgo


  • Barrierefrei

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Alles auf einer Ebene! Wenn Sie nach getaner Arbeit Ruhe und Entspannung suchen, dann ist dieses haus das Richtige für Sie.Vom Wohnzimmer aus erreichen Sie die Terrasse wo Sie in Ruhe relaxen und die Sonne genießen können.Großer Garten, viel Rasenfläche, eingewachsene Sträucher und Hecken.

Property summary

Description: You will find this property in the pedestrian area, offering a low-maintenance, open-concept layout for peace and relaxation. The living room leads to the terrace, providing a quiet space to soak up the sun and enjoy nature. With a large garden, ample lawn, and mature plantings, this property offers both outdoor tranquility and beautiful views. For real estate investment: Price: The property is reasonably priced at 250,000€ for the area and offers good value for the money, both in terms of location and amenities. The property has a low-maintenance design, making it a good investment for those also considering holiday rentals. Lifestyle perspective: Location: The quiet, pedestrianized area is ideal for relaxation and away from traffic. The neighbourhood offers a comfortable and convenient environment for everyday life. As for the roof terrace, it provides a peaceful spot to enjoy your morning coffee, sunbathe, or stargaze. Garden: The large garden, featuring lawn and mature landscaping, is perfect for those who enjoy the outdoors. Overall, this property offers a unique blend of comfort, convenience, and picturesque surroundings, with potential for both real estate investment and a great lifestyle.


32657 Lemgo

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