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house for sale in Sankt Augustin, Germany

619 000€

53757 Sankt Augustin


  • Küche Einbauküche
  • Bad 2
  • Bad Dusche, Wanne
  • Garten
  • Garage/Stellplätze 2
  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung +++ V O R A N K Ü N D I G U N G +++ +++ SANKT AUGUSTIN HANGELAR ++++++ TOLLE EINFAMILIENDOPPELHAUSHÄLFTE +++ . Baujahr 2001. sehr gepflegt. aus erster Hand. ca. 165 m ² Wfl. + Vollkeller. 5 bis 6 Zimmer. 253 m² GrSt.. Keller: ja Vollkeller. Garage: ja. Stellplatz: ja. Garten und Terrasse: jaWeitere Infos und Beschreibungen folgen in Kürze.Sie sehen die weitere Immobilienbeschreibung sowie Objektbilder auch unter dem dem Link:www.enders-immobilien.de/Ebdvkceib

Property summary

Based on the property description, this listing appears to be a well-maintained, 165m² two-story apartment building with a Keller ( basement / cellar) located in Sankt Augustin-Hangelar, a residential area in Germany. From a real estate investment perspective, this property seems to have a good price for the area. Since it is a duplex with approximately 253 m² of land, it may offer potential rental income and can cater to a family. There is also an estate agent's commission of 3.57% (included in the purchase price), which might affect the net return on investment. Researching local rental prices and market trends will help determine the potential return and risks associated with this investment. For lifestyle purposes, this property offers a generous living space with options for multiple bedrooms, a basement, a garage, and a garden with a terrace. It is located in a family-oriented area, close to amenities such as schools, parks, and shopping areas. The commute to work may also be more comfortable with this property's advantageous location. Overall, for those looking for a comfortable living space and investment potential, this property seems like a good option.


53757 Sankt Augustin

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