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house for sale in Ruthen, Germany

175 000€

59602 Rüthen


    Property description

    Objektbeschreibung Ein einstöckiges Zweifamilienhaus mit Kellergeschoss, ausgebautem Dachgeschoss, 93/67 m² Wohnfläche und Garage aus dem Jahr 1974.Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei weiteren Fragen telefonisch, von Montag - Freitag von 08:00 - 20:00 Uhr, Samstags/Sonntags 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr unter der Telefonnummer 0221-97459790.Dieses Objekt wird beim zuständigen Amtsgericht versteigert.Verkehrswert: 175.000,00 EUR.Sichern Sie sich unter Umständen 30 % Nachlass auf den Verkehrswert und zahlen Sie somit für die oben genannte Immobilie nur 122.500,00 EUR. Ebenso entfallen Notarkosten und Maklercourtage.Dies ist eine von vielen interessanten Immobilien, die wir in der aktuellen, monatlichen Ausgabe unseres kostengünstigen IMMOBILIENVERSTEIGERUNGS-KATALOGES veröffentlichen. Sichern Sie sich jetzt diese Informationen um Ihre Wunschimmobilie preisgünstig zu erwerben.Kataloginfos:Telefonnummer 0221-97459790.

    Property summary

    Based on the provided property description, here's a perspective for a potential buyer: Property description: This is a single-story, two-family house with a basement, attic, and a garage built in 1974. It has a total living area of 93/67 square meters and a garage. The house is located in Rüthen, Germany (ZIP code 59602). As a real estate investment: The estimated value of the property is 175,000 EUR. Given the property's condition and location, a competitive offer could potentially secure a 30% discount on the estimated value, bringing the final purchase price to 122,500 EUR. Additionally, the property does not include notary fees or real estate agent commission, which can save you money. The location of this property in Rüthen, Germany, may offer potential growth and stability in the long run, as it is situated in a residential neighborhood. Find out the average real estate prices in the area and compare it to the nearby properties to gauge the investment potential. If it falls within the range, it could be a good investment for the long term. As a lifestyle purchase: The house is spacious and appears to be in good condition, with potential for further customizations to suit your personal preferences. The presence of a garage is also a plus, as it can be convenient for parking and storage. Living in Rüthen would offer you a break from the hustle and bustle of cities, as it is a smaller community, and you can enjoy the quiet, serene neighborhood. Rüthen has several amenities and public services within the vicinity, including shopping centers, restaurants, and various leisure activities. The surrounding area offers beautiful landscapes for nature lovers, and easy access to the city, which can provide a balance between urban and rural life. In conclusion, this property seems like a good investment opportunity for those looking at a relaxed lifestyle in a functional house. However, ensure to conduct thorough research on the local real estate market trends, surrounding properties, and the area's amenities before finalizing any decision.


    59602 Rüthen

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