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house for sale in Rinteln, Germany

185 000€

31737 Rinteln


    Property description

    Objektbeschreibung Doppelhaushälfte, Baujahr: ca. 1930, 1 Etage(n), Dachgeschoß ausgebaut, Wintergarten, Garage vorhanden, sowie Nebengebäude

    Property summary

    Based on the provided description of the property, it seems to be a mid-century, 1-story home with an upstairs attic, a winter garden, a garage, and a separate outbuilding. The property is located in Rinteln, Germany. For a real estate investment, this property could be a good choice due to its favorable location and potential to increase in value over time. The property's estimated value of 185,000€ might be a reasonable price in the current real estate market in this area. However, it's always important to conduct thorough research on similar properties in the neighborhood, market trends, and local economic factors before making an informed investment decision. As a lifestyle purchase, this property offers a great opportunity for those who appreciate historic architecture and the charm of mid-century design. The location in Rinteln, which is known for its picturesque environment and rich history, would provide a wonderful backdrop for daily living or weekend getaways. The attic conversion and winter garden offer added living space and comfort, while the garage and separate outbuilding provide practical functionality for storage and additional living space.


    31737 Rinteln

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