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house for sale in Rinteln, Germany

150 000€

31737 Rinteln


  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Wohnhaus, 2 Etage(n), Wohn- und Nutzfläche: 204m², Keller/teilunterkellert, Reparatur- und Unterhaltungsstau, zuletzt nicht als Wohnhaus genutzt, zum Zeitpunkt der Wertermittlung leerstehend

Property summary

Based on the given property description, it appears to be a 2-story house with a total living/usable area of 204m². The house is located in Rinteln, Germany ( zip code: 31737). Some key features of the property include a basement and a partial basement, which could be used for storage or additional living space. The property was last used as a residential home, but has been sitting vacant at the time of valuation. From a buyer's perspective, this property could be an excellent investment opportunity. The asking price of 150,000€ (approximately $178,099 USD at the time of writing) is relatively affordable for the area, and the property has potential for both short-term and long-term gains. For short-term gains, the property could be rented out as a residential home, capitalizing on the current demand for housing in the area. The property's location in Rinteln, a small town with a good quality of life, could attract prospective tenants. Additionally, the property's size and condition could be appealing to many renters. For long-term gains, the property could be renovated and modernized to increase its market value. Rinteln's strong economy and growing population could also increase the demand for properties in the area, leading to higher property values in the future. In terms of lifestyle, the property offers space and privacy, making it suitable for families or individuals who value quiet, comfortable living. The nearby amenities, such as schools, shopping centers, and parks, could also contribute to a desirable lifestyle. Overall, the property appears to be a good investment opportunity, offering potential returns through rental income or property appreciation. The property's location and size also make it an attractive option for those looking for a comfortable lifestyle.


31737 Rinteln

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