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house for sale in Rinteln, Germany

150 000€

31737 Rinteln


  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Wohnhaus, 2 Etage(n), Wohn- und Nutzfläche: 204m², Keller/teilunterkellert, Reparatur- und Unterhaltungsstau, zuletzt nicht als Wohnhaus genutzt, zum Zeitpunkt der Wertermittlung leerstehend

Property summary

Based on the provided property description, here's an analysis from a buyer's perspective: Property Type: House with 2 floors, Wohn- und Nutzfläche: 204m² (roughly 2163 square feet) Location: 31737 Rinteln Key Features: 1. The house has 2 floors with a total of 204m² of living and utility space. 2. A basement/partially underground storage area is also included. 3. The property has been vacant and not used for living purposes in recent times. 4. It appears that the house needs repairs and maintenance work, as the previous owners have not lived there for some time. As a real estate investment: * The location of the property in Rinteln, while being relatively unknown on a global scale, is a factor that will influence its attractiveness to both investors and potential buyers. The town's local economy and population growth will play a significant role in the house's rental returns and growth potential. * Priced at 150,000€, the property seems reasonably priced for the area and the current condition. Investors will need to consider the potential revenue and potential for appreciation based on the surrounding market and rental pricing. * The property's furnished status will attract buyers who prefer to move in with minimal renovations or upgrades. However, the owner will need to address any maintenance or repair issues before finding tenants to lease the property. As a lifestyle purchase: * For individuals looking for a personal residence, the property offers a good amount of living space (204m²) and can be modified to suit their design preferences. * The numerous windows and potential natural lighting suggest an open and well-lit living space, and the basement storage may offer additional rooms or extensions for a personal home office, guest room, or entertainment space. * The property's location in Rinteln provides a quiet, small-town lifestyle without the noise and crowds of a large urban setting. Surrounding nature and leisure activities like hiking or boating can be a draw for nature enthusiasts. In summary, this property seems like a decent investment opportunity in the right location with sufficient living space and potential for upgrades. However, prospective buyers should conduct thorough property inspections and price research to ensure the purchase aligns with market dynamics and personal lifestyle preferences.


31737 Rinteln

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