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house for sale in Iserlohn, Germany

174 000€

58642 Iserlohn


    Property description

    Objektbeschreibung Zweifamilienhaus mit zwei separaten Wohneinheiten, eingeschossig, voll unterkellert, mit ausgebautem Dachgeschoss, insgesamt 103/81 m² Wohnfläche, inklusive Anbau und zwei Garagen. Baujahr 1954, Anbau und Garagen aus dem Jahr 1970. Raumaufteilung wie folgt: Wohnung Nr. 1: Untergeschoss: Esszimmer, Gäste-WC, Arbeitszimmer (22,22 m²), Garage; Erdgeschoss: Diele, Flur, Küche, Wohnzimmer (37,93 m²), Terrasse (7,50 m²); Obergeschoss/Dachgeschoss: Diele, Bad, Schlafzimmer (33,84 m²), Loggia (1,34 m²) //Wohnung Nr. 2: Erdgeschoss: Flur, Diele, Küche, Esszimmer, Bad, Wohnzimmer (42,16 m²), Terrasse (3,34 m²); Dachgeschoss: Diele, Gästezimmer, Schlafzimmer, Dusche/WC, Wohnzimmer (35,23 m²)Die Beheizung und Warmwasserversorgung erfolgt über Gasthermen. Es bestehen Instandhaltungsbedarf, Baumängel und -schäden sowie ein Befall durch Hausschwamm. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei weiteren Fragen telefonisch, von Montag - Freitag von 08:00 - 20:00 Uhr, Samstags/Sonntags 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr unter der Telefonnummer 0221-97459790.Dieses Objekt wird beim zuständigen Amtsgericht versteigert.Verkehrswert: 174.000,00 EUR.Sichern Sie sich unter Umständen 30 % Nachlass auf den Verkehrswert und zahlen Sie somit für die oben genannte Immobilie nur 121.800,00 EUR. Ebenso entfallen Notarkosten und Maklercourtage.Dies ist eine von vielen interessanten Immobilien, die wir in der aktuellen, monatlichen Ausgabe unseres kostengünstigen IMMOBILIENVERSTEIGERUNGS-KATALOGES veröffentlichen. Sichern Sie sich jetzt diese Informationen um Ihre Wunschimmobilie preisgünstig zu erwerben.Kataloginfos:Telefonnummer 0221-97459790.

    Property summary

    Based on the property description provided, I will attempt to analyze it from a buyer's perspective and estimate its value for real estate investment and as a lifestyle purchase. Property overview: This property is a two-family home with two separate living units, built in 1954 with an annex and garage, located in Iserlohn, Germany. It has a total living area of 103/81 m² (including the annex and garages) and is in need of some maintenance and repairs. The property consists of two separate apartments: Apartment 1: - Underground level: Esszimmer, Gäste-WC, Arbeitszimmer, - Ground floor: Foyer, Hall, Kitchen, Living Room, Terrace - 1st floor/attic: Foyer, Bathroom, Bedroom, Loggia Apartment 2: - Ground floor: Foyer, Hall, Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom, Bedroom - 1st floor: Foyer, Guest Room, Bedroom, Bathroom, Living Room The property is heated by gas and has a water supply system. There are reported maintenance needs, damage, and a termite infestation. Real estate investment potential: With a listed price of 174,000€, the property seems to be priced competitively given the potential for renovation and redesign. The renovated property could easily increase its value per square meter by creating more functional space and improving the overall condition of the property. This would enable the owner to potentially generate a higher rental income. The property's location in Iserlohn also seems to be beneficial, as it's a popular area with an affordable cost of living, which may attract potential tenants. Lifestyle purchase: This property would be an excellent choice for someone looking to create a multigenerational living situation or for someone who wants to have additional income by renting out one of the apartments. The two-family layout offers plenty of space for a growing family or for hosting guests. The property's location in the middle of a residential area provides added privacy and offers easy access to local amenities. The property also offers two terraces, providing outdoor space for relaxation and entertainment. In conclusion, this property can cater to both a functional and aesthetic lifestyle. Overall, the property offers potential for both short-term living and long-term investment. However, it is crucial to address the reported maintenance issues and ensure a thorough inspection before making a final decision. Considering the potential for renovation and redesign, the property could be an excellent investment opportunity.


    58642 Iserlohn

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