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house for sale in Dortmund - Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

449 000€

44265 Dortmund - Nordrhein-Westfalen


  • Küche Offene Küche
  • Bad 3
  • Bad Dusche, Wanne, Fenster
  • Boden Fliesen, Teppich, Parkett, Dielen, Estrich
  • Terrassen 1
  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Das Haus liegt in 44265 Dortmund-Wichlinghofen und ist einzigartig in seiner naeheren Umgebung durch den dichten Garten mit viel Gestaltungspotenzial. Die hohe Doppelgarage bietet Platz fuer zwei Campingfahrzeuge oder viel Hobby- und Stauraum. Das Haus hat Potenzial fuer Veraenderungen in der Zimmeraufteilung fuer ihren zukuenftigen Bedarf. Im Ueberblick:569 qm Grundstueck mit oekologisch vielfaeltigem, dicht-bewachsenem Garten Hohe Doppelgarage (hintereinander)Wohnflaeche insgesamt 147 qm nach DIN 283Parkettfussboden im OG und partiell im EGSieben Zimmer mit FensternZwei separate HaustuerenZwei elektrische DurchlauferhitzerDrei Badezimmer/Toiletten, mit Fenstern im OGGasheizung mit Warmwasser-HeizkoerpernDas Haus ist noch bewohnt (Baujahr 1961) und ein Energieausweiss liegt vor (Kategorie H).

Property summary

From a buyer's perspective, this property in Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, is a unique opportunity with a lot of potential for both real estate investment and personal lifestyle. The 449,000€ price tag is competitive for the area, and the property offers several attractive features. The 569 qm lot is spacious, and the densely planted, eco-friendly garden provides ample opportunity for outdoor leisure and relaxation. The high double garage provides parking for two camping vehicles or ample storage space for hobbies and belongings. The dwelling space covers a total of 147 qm according to DIN 283, with parquet flooring in the upper floor and partial use in the EG. There are seven rooms with windows, two separate entrance doors, and two electric heating systems. The property features three bathrooms/toilets, with windows in the upper floor, ensuring natural lighting and ventilation. The gas-fired central heating system provides warm water and offers comfort throughout the year. Although the property is currently inhabited (built in 1961) and an energy certificate is available (category H), there is still potential for improvements and redesigns to cater to future needs. The availability of two separate entrance doors creates additional flexibility for potential income generation through renting out one or more rooms. For a real estate investment, this property offers potential for return on investment through rentals, as well as appreciation over time due to its location, size, and unique features. For a lifestyle purchase, it provides a comfortable living space for a family or individuals seeking peaceful surroundings with ample space for outdoor activities and hobbies. In conclusion, this property is a well-rounded opportunity for both real estate investment and personal lifestyle, with its unique features, spacious layout, and competitive price.


44265 Dortmund - Nordrhein-Westfalen

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