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house for sale in Dortmund - Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

449 000€

44265 Dortmund - Nordrhein-Westfalen


  • Küche Offene Küche
  • Bad 3
  • Bad Dusche, Wanne, Fenster
  • Boden Fliesen, Teppich, Parkett, Dielen, Estrich
  • Terrassen 1
  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Das Haus liegt in 44265 Dortmund-Wichlinghofen und ist einzigartig in seiner naeheren Umgebung durch den dichten Garten mit viel Gestaltungspotenzial. Die hohe Doppelgarage bietet Platz fuer zwei Campingfahrzeuge oder viel Hobby- und Stauraum. Das Haus hat Potenzial fuer Veraenderungen in der Zimmeraufteilung fuer ihren zukuenftigen Bedarf. Im Ueberblick:569 qm Grundstueck mit oekologisch vielfaeltigem, dicht-bewachsenem Garten Hohe Doppelgarage (hintereinander)Wohnflaeche insgesamt 147 qm nach DIN 283Parkettfussboden im OG und partiell im EGSieben Zimmer mit FensternZwei separate HaustuerenZwei elektrische DurchlauferhitzerDrei Badezimmer/Toiletten, mit Fenstern im OGGasheizung mit Warmwasser-HeizkoerpernDas Haus ist noch bewohnt (Baujahr 1961) und ein Energieausweiss liegt vor (Kategorie H).

Property summary

Based on the provided property description, this property appears to be a unique and beautiful investment opportunity in Dortmund, Germany. From a real estate investment perspective, the property boasts a spacious 569qm plot and a well-maintained, dense garden with numerous opportunities for customization. The high double garage provides parking for two camping vehicles or ample storage space. The house also has potential for future modifications to accommodate changing needs, and it features 7 rooms with windows, 2 separate entrances, and 3 bathrooms with windows in the upstairs bathroom. A thermal water-heated heating system ensures warmth and energy efficiency. As a lifestyle purchase, this property offers a comfortable and spacious living environment for a growing family. The garden's size and potential allows for outdoor leisure activities, while the nearby location offers proximity to amenities. The house's design and layout provide ample natural light, creating an inviting and comfortable living space. The property is also energy-efficient, which can result in long-term cost savings and minimal environmental impact. Overall, this property has the potential for both a profitable real estate investment and an excellent lifestyle purchase. However, it's important to consider factors such as local market trends, comparable property values, and the potential for future revenue, such as rental income or property flipping. It's also essential to seek professional advice and complete a thorough due diligence process before making a final decision.


44265 Dortmund - Nordrhein-Westfalen

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