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3 bedrooms house for sale in Santa Cristina de Aro, Spain

245 000€

Santa Cristina de Aro


  • 91 m² surface area (980 sqFt)
  • 2 bathrooms
  • 128 m² of land (1378 sqFt)
  • N/C
  • 3 bedrooms

Property description

Townhouse for sale in Santa Cristina DAro, with 980 ft2, 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, Garage and Storage room.

Property summary

Description: You're considering purchasing a townhouse in Santa Cristina de Aro that offers 980 square feet of space, including 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms. The property has a garage and a storage room as well. Located in the picturesque town of Santa Cristina de Aro, this property is an excellent choice for those seeking a combination of modern comforts and a charming Mediterranean lifestyle. From a buyer's perspective, this property presents an exciting opportunity for both real estate investment and a enjoyable lifestyle. As an investment, the property's location in a popular tourist destination may provide potential rental income. Its size and amenities make it an attractive option for both short-term and long-term guests. In addition to its investment potential, the property offers the chance to experience the laid-back charm of Santa Cristina de Aro, with its stunning beaches, vibrant local culture, and proximity to other picturesque towns and cities. Estimating the potential return on investment, the property's current asking price of 245,000 Euros may represent a good value in the current real estate market, particularly given its prime location and potential for rental income. However, as with any investment, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider factors like local market trends, competition, and potential maintenance costs before making a decision. In terms of lifestyle, this property offers a spacious and comfortable living space that's well-suited to both relaxation and entertaining. Its location in Santa Cristina de Aro provides easy access to the area's beautiful beaches, lush green mountains, and vibrant local community. With its well-established tourism industry, the area offers an abundance of cultural and recreational activities that can be enjoyed by both residents and visitors alike. Overall, this property presents a unique combination of investment potential and lifestyle appeal, making it an attractive choice for those seeking a year-round home or a vacation property in a truly special location. Its prime location and competitive price may make it an excellent investment opportunity, but it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider all factors before making a decision.


Santa Cristina de Aro

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