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10 bedrooms house in Manzanares, Ciudad Real, Spain

299 000€

Manzanares, Ciudad Real


  • General
  • Good
  • 10 bedrooms
  • 4 bathrooms
  • Terraces
  • Areas
  • Plot: 1,078 m²
  • Built: 1,443 m²
  • Useful: 1,440 m²

Property description

Two-story corner building withplastered façades, enclosed openings and prominent plinth.The compositional scheme of the façade responds to the patterntypical of the Manchego house, the holes are lintels ofvertical proportion on the ground floor and low-rise balconieson the first floor, wooden carpentry and wrought iron latticework.Curved ceramic tile roof. The eave is the simple flight ofthe last course of tiles on a plaster cornice.Remarkable Elements: The façade is characterized by therational organization of the openings, so that the balconiesof the upper floor coincide with the windows of the lower floor;there is a symmetry normally marked by the arrangement of theaccess door in the center of the façade.The framing of the openings on the upper floor and themain access door and the separation of the bodies offaçade by moldings as an impost line.I would highlight the location of the house within the historic center. The year of construction that we know of is 1863. It is a typical La Mancha house construction facing two patios. The principal, which is what has the most value in the house, remains practically the same as it was in its day. The central part was full of plants, in the center there was a palm tree and around it, under the arcades, there were tables and chairs to sit in summer and receive visitors. I would also highlight the kitchen downstairs that has a fireplace and stove to cook with embers and embers from the bonfire. In addition to the wells and the cave. The part of the corral, the remains that denote the presence of animals in the house, the dovecote, the stables, the troughs, the herd.. . that show how people lived at that time. The entrance gate is more current than the house but I would also highlight it. Before in the villages the doors were open and the gates closed. The doors at the bottom are also original.Traditional Manchegan manor house built in 1863. It is one of the few houses with these characteristics that is still standing. It tells how I take all the houses of its category with the body of a manor house with spacious rooms and lounges around a central patio from which its columns stand out. In the work area it has a corral and patio with laundry areas, two wells, a stable for horses, chambers to store agricultural material and grain, etc. Undoubtedly a farm with many possibilities of adaptation for hotels and restaurants.


Manzanares, Ciudad Real

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