The cost of living in Playa Del Cura is relatively affordable compared to nearby areas such as Maspalomas and Las Palmas. In Playa Del Cura, rental prices for a one-bedroom apartment typically range from €600 to €800 per month, whereas in Maspalomas, similar accommodations can go for €800 to €1,200. Groceries also tend to be less expensive; for instance, a liter of milk is around €0.90 in Playa Del Cura, while it can be €1.10 in Las Palmas. Eating out at local restaurants in Playa Del Cura might cost about €12 for a meal, compared to around €15 to €20 in busier hotspots like Maspalomas. Public transportation is similarly priced across these areas, but Playa Del Cura often offers a quieter lifestyle with fewer tourists, which can influence day-to-day expenses.