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6 bedrooms house in Sao Pedro Da Afurada, Portugal

8 000 000€

São Pedro Da Afurada


  • 1095 m² surface area (11786 sqFt)
  • 5.7 hectares of land (14.09 acres)
  • 6 bedrooms

Property description

Quinta do Menino de Ouro. All-Walled farmhouse in Vilar do Paraíso, with a magnificent secular palace dating from 1900, inspired by the Brazilian colonial style. Located in Gaia, 7 min. From Francelos beach, 1 min. From the A44, 3 min. From the A29 and 8 min. From the A1. With 5.6 ha of land, the property comprises a historic building, which includes a turret with great sentimental value, according to the story narrated by historian Joel Cleto, for whom the property was an object of interest. The house is connected by a bridge to a granite turret with stunning views of the sea and the extension of the property. In this vast area, there are also other smaller scale buildings: two caretakers houses, two warehouses, storage room, stables, barn and cellar. It also contemplates a water mine, a 90 m3 water hole, two wells and gardens, typical features of a property associated with agricultural production activity. The property has several exclusive features, residential, touristic and agricultural in nature. Such characteristics enhance its operability and investment in a mixed real estate aspect, either for the development of real estate projects (Pip approved for construction at heights, with construction capacity of 30,000 m2), or for a teaching infrastructure (private school), senior residence or hotel unit (boutique hotel). The property has wine production capacity and also includes a kiwi fruit orchard and a pine forest. (Ab) main house 1,095.00 m2 (Au) 974.00 m2


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