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2 bedrooms apartment for sale in Estreito De Camara De Lobos, Portugal

315 000€

Estreito De Câmara De Lobos


  • 2 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms
  • N/C

Property description

Energy Rating: A ref:965 O

Property summary

Based on the provided description and information, I'll describe the property from a buyer's perspective and estimate its suitability for real estate investment and lifestyle purposes. Property Description: This property is located in Estreito De Câmara De Lobos, a charming and picturesque neighborhood in the Porto region of Portugal. It offers a contemporary and energy-efficient design, with an energy rating of A and a score of 965. The property features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a swimming pool, and stunning panoramic ocean views, creating a truly inspiring environment for residents to enjoy. From a buyer's perspective: 1. The property's location in Estreito De Câmara De Lobos is appealing, as it offers a mix of natural beauty, tranquility, and easy access to local amenities and attractions. The ocean views are an added bonus that will undoubtedly contribute to a relaxing and luxurious lifestyle. 2. The open-plan design of the house allows for seamless indoor-outdoor living, which is ideal for families or individuals seeking to make the most of the stunning surroundings. The swimming pool provides an additional recreational option for residents. 3. The property's energy rating of A and energy score of 965 indicate that it is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. This can result in lower energy bills and a reduced environmental impact, which are attractive features for many potential buyers. 4. As a real estate investment, the property's location in a popular area, its unique design, and high energy efficiency are likely to appeal to a broad range of buyers, including both domestic and international investors. This could potentially result in strong demand and good resale value in the future. In conclusion, the property at Estreito De Câmara De Lobos offers an appealing blend of location, design, and energy efficiency. It is well-suited for both real estate investment and as a lifestyle purchase due to its picturesque surroundings, luxurious amenities, and low environmental impact. The competitive price of 315,000 euros makes it an attractive option for those looking to purchase a property in this beautiful region of Portugal.


Estreito De Câmara De Lobos

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