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other for sale in dusseldorf - Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

990 000€

40489 düsseldorf - Nordrhein-Westfalen


  • Anzahl der Etagen im Haus 2
  • Bad 2
  • Bad Dusche, Wanne
  • Boden Fliesen, Parkett, Laminat
  • Balkone 0
  • Garten
  • Terrassen 1
  • Barrierefrei
  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung top ausgestatte dhh in planung.endgültige planung durch den interessenten !

Property summary

Based on the provided description, it seems like the property is located at 40489 Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is described as top-quality, tastefully designed property, designed with the potential buyer's preferences in mind. To evaluate its suitability for real estate investment and lifestyle purchase, let's analyze its features: 1. Location: With a property price of 990,000€, it is located in an area that usually features higher property values. This is a good sign that it could be a profitable investment in the long run, provided that the neighborhood offers amenities and infrastructure to support such an investment. 2. Suggested modification: The "planung endgültige" by the interested one indicates that there is still planning to be done by the buyer. This implies that there is potential for customization, which can cater more to the buyer's preferences and increase the property's value. 3. Targeting a specific demographic: "top ausgestatete" suggests that it is being marketed towards a specific demographic, likely one that appreciates high-quality and upscale finishes. This targeted approach to customer selection might not be ideal, as it may limit the pool of potential buyers. Overall, it seems that this property has good potential as a real estate investment based on its location. However, the property might need some customization to meet the buyer's preferences, and it would only be suitable for a specific demographic. Given the buyer's input in the planning stage, personalized finishes, and high-quality construction, it could be a great lifestyle purchase that caters to the potential owner's preferences. For real estate investment, the property seems to be a good choice due to its location and potential development opportunities. However, the target demographic might limit its appeal and lead to lower ROI if the property developer is not able to adapt the property to different preferences. In summary, it could be a profitable investment with potential, but it's also an opportunity for the owner to make various improvements to satisfy the needs of potential buyers.


40489 düsseldorf - Nordrhein-Westfalen

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