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other for sale in Kamenz, Germany

120 000€

01917 Kamenz


  • Anzahl der Etagen im Haus 2
  • Boden Kunststoff, Linoleum

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Sie möchten lieber Zeit für Ihre Hobbys verwenden als für den Hausputz? Aber Sie möchten keine Wohnung, sondern ein Haus, weil Sie Ihre eigene Oase brauchen?Die Lösung heißt: Kleines Haus mit pflegeleichtem Grundstück. Und diese Lösung haben Sie soeben gefunden. Egal ob Single oder Paar - Sie erwartet ein kleines Einfamilienhaus, das sich sehr gut als kuscheliges Nest einrichten lässt.Apropos kuschelig: Das Haus verfügt über einen Schornstein und in jeder Wohnetage gibt es zwei Räume mit Anschlussmöglichkeit. Heizen mit festen Brennstoffen ist also möglich.

Property summary

This property description is for a small, upkeep-friendly house with a manageable plot of land for potential buyers who prefer investing their time in hobbies rather than household chores. The property is located in Kamenz (01917), which appears to be a residential area. From an investment perspective, this property seems like a good deal at a price of €120,000. The size and location cater to the needs of individuals or small families who prioritize a cozy living environment over a large space. The low maintenance requirements of the property can also contribute to its attractiveness as an investment, as it reduces the potential need for costly repairs or renovations. As a lifestyle purchase, this property offers a low-maintenance living environment that allows residents to focus on their hobbies, leisure activities, and family time. The small size of the house and lot may appeal to those who prefer a simpler, less upkeep-intensive lifestyle. The prospect of having a cozy nest for the family and enough outdoor space for leisure activities also presents an enticing opportunity. Heating with solid fuels is a plus for those interested in traditional heating methods. Overall, the property appears to be a good investment and lifestyle option for those who value convenience, comfort, and a cozy living environment. Although the size is small, the smart layout and low maintenance concept can make it an attractive choice for potential buyers.


01917 Kamenz

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