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house for sale in Unna, Germany

5 730 000€

59425 Unna


    Property description

    Objektbeschreibung Villa, 2 Etage(n), Wohn- und Nutzfläche: 3165m², Garage vorhanden, mit Garagen, Schwimmbad, Carport und Stallungen (Pferdestallgebäude mit 5 Pferdeboxen und 4 Gehegen und 7 einzelne Stallgebäude) sowie Ausstellungsgebäude

    Property summary

    This description refers to a 2-story villa with a total living and utility area of 3165 square meters. The property features a garage, pool, carport, and stables (including a horse stable with 5 boxes and 4 paddocks, plus 7 individual stalls) as well as an exhibition building. Based on the provided information, it's difficult to estimate the property's market value, as it would require a professional appraisal. However, considering the size, amenities, and location, it seems suitable for both real estate investment and lifestyle purposes. It's hard to provide a specific rating as it depends on individual preferences and market conditions.


    59425 Unna

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