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house for sale in Remscheid / Lennep - Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

539 000€

42897 Remscheid / Lennep - Nordrhein-Westfalen


  • Anzahl der Etagen im Haus 3
  • Bad 7
  • Garage/Stellplätze 5
  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung !!! 7,06 % Bruttorendite Ist !!! Die Mieten wurden noch nicht alle angepasst !!!Das Wohn- und Geschäftshaus wurde in einer 3- geschossigen Fachwerkbauweise mit Unterkellerung auf einem ca. 580 m² großen Grundstück im Jahr 1900 errichtet. Es unterteilt sich in sieben Wohneinheiten, mit insgesamt 331m² Wohnfläche (Wohnungen zwischen 41 und 64 m²), einer Praxis mit ca.132 m² im Erdgeschoss und einen Lagerbereich mit ca. 100 m² im Kellergeschoss. Fünf PKW-Garagen sowie zwei Stellplätze gehören zum Objekt. Das Grundstück bietet noch die Möglichkeit, weiteren Wohnraum zu errichten.Dach und Fassade wird jährlich von einer Dachdeckerfirma inspiziert und gewartet.

Property summary

Based on the provided description of the property, it seems to have a good potential for both real estate investment and lifestyle purchase. As a real estate investment, the property offers several advantages such as multiple income streams with 7 apartments and a medical practice, which can provide a steady cash flow. Additionally, the ability to potentially expand the property further could lead to more rental income in the future. The location in Remscheid/Lennep, Nordrhein-Westfalen, may also attract renters due to its proximity to local amenities and transport links. For a lifestyle purchase, the property offers a unique opportunity to live in a historic, 3-story fachwerk building that has been beautifully preserved. The building's arrangement, with separate living quarters and commercial space, can cater to multiple needs, making it a versatile living option. Moreover, the property comes with parking spaces and the potential to build more living quarters, which can be beneficial for those looking for additional living space or extra income opportunities. The property's estimated price of 539,000€ seems reasonable for the area and the type of property. However, before making a decision, it is advised to perform further financial analysis, such as rent comparable analysis and potential return on investment, to ensure the property's viability as an investment. In summary, the property at 42897 Remscheid / Lennep, Nordrhein-Westfalen, offers a good potential for both real estate investment and lifestyle purchase, considering its multiple income streams, historical charm, and potential for expansion. However, it is essential to analyze the financial aspects thoroughly before making a final decision.


42897 Remscheid / Lennep - Nordrhein-Westfalen

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