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house for sale in Mittweida, Germany

331 000€

09648 Mittweida


  • Keller

Property description

Objektbeschreibung Wohnhaus, Baujahr: ca. 1518, Denkmalschutzobjekt, Dachgeschoß ausgebaut, Wohnfläche: 3340m², Keller/teilunterkellert, Schloss, Orangerie und Gerichtsgebäude, eine Nutzung zu Wohnzwecken wird bei allen 3 Gebäudeteilen unterstellt, Wiederaufbau nach Brand ca. nach 1720, erheblicher Reparatur- und Sanierungsstau, Hausschwamm, defekte Dachhaut, Einsturz der Deckenkonstruktion, kein Anschluss an öffentliches Trinkwassernetz, keine Abwasserentsorgung vorhanden, im derzeitigen Zustand nicht nutzbar, zum Zeitpunkt der Wertermittlung leerstehend; sowie nicht mehr nutzbarer Garagenanbau, eingestürztes Heizhaus und verwilderte Parkanlagen

Property summary

From a buyer's perspective, this property, located at 09648 Mittweida, offers a unique opportunity to invest in a piece of history. The property, which includes a 1518-era mansion, a caste, an orangerie, and a court building, spans approximately 3,340 m² and presents a significant renovation and repair challenge. The current condition of the property is deemed uninhabitable, and there are considerable maintenance and sanitation issues, including a collapsed ceiling structure, absence of water supply, and no sewage treatment. Additionally, the garage annex and heating house are in ruins. As a real estate investment, this property presents a high risk and potential rewards. The extensive repairs and renovations required would be costly and time-consuming, and there are no immediate income streams associated with the property. However, if successfully restored, the property could have significant historic and cultural value, potentially attracting tourists or other niche markets, and possibly increasing its market value in the long term. As a lifestyle purchase, this property offers the chance to own and restore a historical gem. However, the challenges associated with the property's current condition may make it less appealing to many potential buyers. The inability to live in the property while renovating and the absence of basic amenities may also be significant drawbacks. Overall, the property at 09648 Mittweida presents a unique but high-risk and high-reward opportunity for both real estate investors and those seeking a historical lifestyle purchase. A thorough assessment of the property's condition, the costs associated with renovation, and the potential long-term benefits will be essential for a successful investment decision.


09648 Mittweida

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