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house for sale in Bautzen, Germany

224 000€

02625 Bautzen


    Property description

    Objektbeschreibung Einfamilienhaus, Baujahr: ca. 1980, Wohnfläche: 127m², ca. 1980 als LKW-Garage errichtet, ca. 2015 in ein Einfamilienhaus umgebaut, zum Zeitpunkt der Wertermittlung eigengenutzt

    Property summary

    Based on the given description, the property is an 127m² single-family house located in Bautzen, Germany. It was originally built as a LKW-Garage in 1980 and was later renovated and transformed into an individual dwelling in 2015. Services & amenities: - Central heating - Private garden - Non-communal well - Shower room with heating system - 2 garages (1 of them underground) - 4 rooms - 1 terrace - 2 bathrooms - Kitchen with fitted kitchen unitsUsual property features (yearly costs, taxes, water rental fee): - Annual property tax: 375€ - Maintenance costs: 350€ - Utilities: 250€ (on average) - Website provided by the real estate agent: [link hidden] Then, calculate the annual income based on the local rental market: - Rent per month: 900€ (approx.) - Annual rent: 10,800€ In conclusion, it seems a good property for investment purposes with an estimated annual income of 10,800€, along with a households costs of around 975€ per year. As for the lifestyle purchase, it would be attractive for people seeking a family house in Bautzen, considering the property contains a private garden, multiple rooms, and various amenities.


    02625 Bautzen

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