
Remscheid Nordrhein Westfalen


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Apartments and houses for rent in Remscheid Nordrhein Westfalen

7 results


Remscheid Nordrhein Westfalen insights

Gross YieldTypically ranges from 4% to 6%, depending on location and property type.
Rental DemandModerate demand due to local industry and educational institutions.
Average Rent PriceAverage monthly rent is around €8 to €10 per square meter.
Vacancy RatesVacancy rates are relatively low, averaging around 4%.
Tenant Turnover RateTenant turnover is about 20% annually, reflecting local job mobility.
Operating ExpensesOperating expenses average around 30% of rental income.
Regulation and Rent ControlControlled under German rental laws; limited increases allowed.
Furnishing/Unfurnishing RateApproximately 30% of rentals are furnished.
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Rental MixLong-term rentals dominate, but short-term rentals are growing.
Local Economic IndicatorsStable economy with strong manufacturing and service sectors.
Rental Price TrendsRental prices have risen steadily over the last few years.
Lease TermsStandard lease terms are typically 1 year, with options for renewal.
Deposit RequirementsDeposits are usually one to three months' rent.
Utilities and Other CostsUtilities are often separate; average additional costs are €200/month.
Safety and SecurityRemscheid is generally safe, with low crime rates reported.

Remscheid Nordrhein Westfalen FAQ

  • What is the average monthly rent for an apartment in Remscheid?

    In Remscheid, the average monthly rent for an apartment varies depending on the size and location within the city. For a one-bedroom apartment in the city center, tenants can expect to pay around €600 to €750. In contrast, a similar apartment located on the outskirts might range from €400 to €550. Larger apartments, such as a three-bedroom unit, typically cost between €900 and €1,200 in central areas, while those in suburban regions might be available for €700 to €900. The overall rental market in Remscheid reflects a blend of affordability and accessibility, making it appealing for a variety of residents. Prices can also fluctuate based on the amenities offered, with modern, well-furnished apartments fetching higher rents.

  • How do rental prices in Remscheid compare to surrounding areas?

    Rental prices in Remscheid tend to be more affordable compared to nearby cities like Wuppertal and Solingen. For instance, as of late 2023, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Remscheid hovers around €600 per month, whereas similar apartments in Wuppertal can reach upwards of €700. In Solingen, the prices can be comparable, but certain neighborhoods may even exceed €800. The differences can often be attributed to Remscheid's more suburban character, which generally attracts families and individuals looking for lower living costs. Additionally, Remscheid's proximity to larger urban centers like Düsseldorf and Köln offers residents commuting options without the associated high cost of living found in those larger cities.

  • What factors influence rental prices in Remscheid?

    Rental prices in Remscheid are influenced by several key factors. The location within the city plays a significant role; properties closer to the city center or near popular amenities, such as shopping areas and parks, typically command higher rents. Additionally, the condition and age of the property can affect pricing; newly renovated apartments or modern buildings with energy-efficient features are often priced at a premium compared to older, less updated units. The local job market also impacts rental prices, as areas with higher employment rates attract more residents, driving demand for housing. Furthermore, the presence of schools and public transport links can enhance the desirability of certain neighborhoods, influencing what landlords can charge. Lastly, seasonal fluctuations can affect availability and pricing; for instance, summer may see a surge in students seeking accommodation, leading to increased competition and higher rents in specific quarters.

  • Are utilities typically included in the rent in Remscheid?

    In Remscheid, as in many areas of Germany, it is common for some utilities to be included in the rent, particularly in the case of furnished apartments or rental agreements that specify "warm rent" (Warmmiete). This typically means that heating and sometimes water are factored into the monthly rent, while electricity and internet might be billed separately. For example, if a tenant signs a lease for an apartment listed as having a warm rent of €800, this amount generally covers rent, heating costs, and water. However, tenants should verify specifics with landlords, as some properties might only include basic utilities, leaving electricity or other services, like garbage collection, to be handled separately. Understanding the distinction between "warm" and "cold" rent (Kaltmiete) is essential, as the latter excludes additional costs and may require budgeting for utilities separately.

  • What is the price range for one-bedroom apartments in Remscheid?

    In Remscheid, the price range for one-bedroom apartments typically falls between €400 and €700 per month, depending on the location, condition, and amenities of the property. For instance, apartments in the more central areas close to public transport and local shops might be priced around €600, while those situated further from the city center could be available for closer to €450. Newly renovated units or those in particularly sought-after neighborhoods, like the historic Alt-Remscheid, may command higher rents, sometimes exceeding €700. In contrast, older apartments in less popular areas might be found for as low as €400, especially if they require some updating. Overall, variations in pricing reflect both the specific location within the city and the overall market demand at any given time.

  • How have rental prices in Remscheid changed over the past few years?

    Over the past few years, rental prices in Remscheid, Nordrhein-Westfalen, have experienced a noticeable upward trend. In 2020, the average rent for an apartment in the city hovered around €6.00 per square meter, but by late 2022, this figure had risen to approximately €7.50. Factors contributing to this increase include a growing demand for housing due to improved local infrastructure and an influx of people moving to the area for work opportunities, particularly in sectors such as manufacturing and logistics. For instance, a one-bedroom apartment that was renting for €400 per month in 2021 is now often listed for €500 or more. Additionally, the surge in interest in urban living, alongside limited availability of rental properties, has intensified competition among prospective tenants, further driving prices up.

  • What amenities can affect the price of rentals in Remscheid?

    In Remscheid, several amenities can significantly impact rental prices. Proximity to public transportation, such as access to bus and train stations, often drives up rental costs, particularly for commuters looking for convenience. Similarly, the presence of nearby schools and universities can lead to higher demand for housing, especially among families and students, thus elevating prices. Additional factors include the availability of parks and recreational facilities, which tend to attract tenants who prioritize green spaces and outdoor activities. Properties with modern conveniences like high-speed internet, updated kitchens, and energy-efficient appliances also fetch higher rents. Security features, such as gated entries or systems like video surveillance, can further influence pricing, appealing to those seeking enhanced safety. Lastly, the overall condition of the property and whether it includes utilities or maintenance can vary widely, affecting the final rental figure.