
79 53129 Bonn Nordrhein Westfalen


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Apartments and houses for rent in 79 53129 Bonn Nordrhein Westfalen

8 results


79 53129 Bonn Nordrhein Westfalen insights

Gross YieldEstimated between 4% to 6% depending on property type.
Rental DemandHigh demand due to proximity to universities and businesses.
Average Rent PriceApproximately €10 to €12 per sqm.
Vacancy RatesLow, around 5% indicating a competitive market.
Tenant Turnover RateRelatively low at about 20% annually.
Operating ExpensesEstimated at 20% to 30% of rental income.
Regulation and Rent ControlSubject to local regulations; rent cap applies.
Furnishing/Unfurnishing RateMajority of rentals are unfurnished, with a small furnished segment.
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Rental MixPredominantly long-term rentals; short-term increasing due to tourism.
Local Economic IndicatorsStable economy driven by services and tech industries.
Rental Price TrendsTrends show a gradual increase in rental prices year over year.
Lease TermsTypical lease terms are 12 months, with some flexible options.
Deposit RequirementsCommonly 2 to 3 months' rent as a deposit.
Utilities and Other CostsUtilities typically range from €100 to €200 per month.
Safety and SecurityGenerally safe area with low crime rates.

79 53129 Bonn Nordrhein Westfalen FAQ

  • What is the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Bonn?

    The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Bonn typically ranges from €800 to €1,200 per month, depending on the location and amenities. In more central areas like Bonn-City or near the university, prices tend to be on the higher end, with some apartments reaching up to €1,500, especially if they come furnished or include utilities. Conversely, neighborhoods such as Bonn-Beuel or Bad Godesberg might offer slightly lower rents, averaging around €700 to €900 for similar apartments. Overall, factors such as proximity to public transport, local shops, and recreational areas significantly influence the rental prices in this growing city.

  • How do rental prices in Bonn compare to other cities in Nordrhein-Westfalen?

    Rental prices in Bonn tend to be higher compared to other cities in Nordrhein-Westfalen, largely due to its status as a former federal capital and its proximity to major economic hubs like Cologne. As of recent data, the average rent in Bonn hovers around €12 to €15 per square meter, which is significantly more expensive than cities such as Duisburg or Dortmund, where rents can be as low as €8 to €10 per square meter. Even in nearby cities like Düsseldorf, prices can vary, with average rents around €14 to €17 per square meter, closely competing with Bonn. One factor contributing to Bonn's higher prices is the demand for housing from professionals and students, given its numerous universities and research institutions. Additionally, the city's desirable location along the Rhine River adds to its appeal, impacting rental costs further.

  • What factors affect the rental prices in Bonn?

    Several factors contribute to the rental prices in Bonn. Primarily, the location within the city plays a significant role; districts such as Bad Godesberg and Poppelsdorf typically command higher rents due to their proximity to amenities, parks, and public transport. Economic conditions also influence pricing; Bonn's status as a hub for international organizations and firms can drive demand for housing, especially in attractive neighborhoods. Additionally, the type of property affects rental values—newer apartments or those with modern amenities often have higher rents compared to older or less maintained buildings. Seasonal variations can impact prices as well; for instance, rents may spike at the start of the academic year when students are seeking accommodation near the university. Lastly, local policies, such as rent control measures or regulations affecting new developments, can also shift the rental landscape in Bonn.

  • Are rental prices in Bonn increasing or decreasing?

    Rental prices in Bonn have shown a noticeable upward trend over recent years, primarily driven by factors such as increasing demand and a limited housing supply. According to local real estate reports, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Bonn has risen to around €1,200 per month, compared to approximately €1,000 just five years ago. This increase can be attributed to Bonn's appeal as a hub for international organizations and its proximity to major cities like Cologne and Düsseldorf. Areas such as Bad Godesberg and Beuel have experienced the most significant price jumps, with reports indicating that rents there have surged by 15% or more in the past few years. Furthermore, new developments have struggled to keep pace with demand, contributing to the tightening rental market.

  • What are the common utilities included in rental prices in Bonn?

    In Bonn, common utilities often included in rental prices are heating, water, and garbage collection fees. Heating costs, which can vary depending on the type of heating system employed (e.g., central heating or district heating), are typically integrated into the overall rent, providing tenants with a predictable monthly expense. Additionally, water charges cover both cold and hot water usage, and these are calculated based on the number of occupants in the property or a fixed rate. Garbage collection fees are also included, ensuring that waste disposal is managed without extra direct costs for tenants. In some cases, electricity might be bundled in the rental agreement, although it is common for tenants to manage their own electricity accounts separately. For example, a tenant might find a rental listing stating “warm rent” (Warmmiete), which explicitly includes these essential utilities along with the base rent.

  • How can I find rental price trends in Bonn over the past few years?

    To find rental price trends in Bonn over the past few years, one can start by checking online real estate platforms such as ImmobilienScout24 or Immonet. These websites often provide historical data on rental prices and allow users to filter search results by specific neighborhoods or property types. Additionally, local government statistics or municipal housing reports can offer insights into rental price changes, as they sometimes publish annual housing market analyses. For a more personal touch, reaching out to local real estate agents in Bonn can yield firsthand information about market fluctuations and neighborhood dynamics. It's also beneficial to explore social media groups and forums where Bonn residents discuss housing trends, as these platforms might reveal anecdotal evidence regarding increasing or decreasing rental costs in specific areas. For instance, comparing listings for similar properties over the years can illustrate how prices have shifted in popular districts like Bonn-Zentrum or Bad Godesberg.

  • What are the typical deposit amounts for rentals in Bonn?

    In Bonn, typical deposit amounts for rental properties generally range from one to three months' rent, depending on the property type and landlord preferences. For example, if you’re looking at a one-bedroom apartment with a monthly rent of €800, you might expect to pay a deposit of around €800 to €2,400. In some cases, especially for higher-end rentals or furnished apartments, deposits can go up to three months’ rent, resulting in deposits of €2,400 or more. It's also important to note that deposits are typically held in a separate account and returned to the tenant at the end of the lease, provided there is no damage to the property. In Bonn's diverse housing market, this deposit structure is quite standard, reflecting common practices seen throughout Germany.