
17 44229 Dortmund


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Apartments and houses for rent in 17 44229 Dortmund

5 results


17 44229 Dortmund insights

Gross YieldApprox. 5-6% based on current market trends.
Rental DemandHigh demand due to university and business presence.
Average Rent PriceAround €10-12 per sqm for standard apartments.
Vacancy RatesLow, typically below 5%.
Tenant Turnover RateModerate, around 30% annually.
Operating ExpensesEstimated at 20-30% of gross rent.
Regulation and Rent ControlStrict regulations; rent control exists in some areas.
Furnishing/Unfurnishing RateVaries; 60% unfurnished, 40% furnished rentals available.
Short-Term vs. Long-Term Rental MixPredominantly long-term, with some short-term options.
Local Economic IndicatorsStrong local economy with low unemployment rates.
Rental Price TrendsSteady increase of about 3-5% per year.
Lease TermsUsually 12 months for long-term rentals.
Deposit RequirementsStandard deposit is 2-3 months' rent.
Utilities and Other CostsAverage €200-300 per month for utilities.
Safety and SecurityGenerally safe, with low crime rates.

17 44229 Dortmund FAQ

  • What is the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in 17 44229 Dortmund?

    The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the 44229 postal code area of Dortmund typically ranges from €600 to €800 per month, depending on various factors such as location, size, and amenities. In more central neighborhoods like Innenstadt, you might find prices on the higher end of that spectrum, often exceeding €800 for modern apartments close to public transport and local attractions. Conversely, areas a bit further from the center, like Eving or Körne, can offer options starting around €550. Additionally, newly constructed buildings or recently renovated units attract premium rents, whereas older apartments might be more affordable but could require some updates. Prices can also vary based on the proximity to parks or shopping areas, influencing desirability and cost.

  • How do rental prices in 17 44229 Dortmund compare to other neighborhoods?

    Rental prices in the 17 44229 Dortmund area are generally more affordable compared to some of the more central neighborhoods within the city, such as Dortmund Innenstadt or Kreuzviertel, where demand tends to drive prices higher due to proximity to amenities and transport links. In 44229, average monthly rents for a one-bedroom apartment hover around €700, while in the city center, similar accommodations can exceed €1,000. Additionally, neighborhoods like Hombruch or Brackel may offer lower rental prices, with one-bedroom units going for as low as €600, but they lack some of the urban conveniences found in 44229. Multi-bedroom apartments in Dortmund’s more suburban areas often range between €800 and €1,200, depending on the specific location and features, whereas those in 44229 might lean towards the lower end of that spectrum. This gives potential renters in 44229 a balance of budget-friendly options with relatively easy access to the city's vibrant center.

  • How often do rental prices change in 17 44229 Dortmund?

    In 44229 Dortmund, rental prices can fluctuate quite frequently, often affected by local market trends, economic conditions, and seasonal demands. For instance, typical monthly rental prices for a one-bedroom apartment in the area may vary from around €600 to €800 depending on location and amenities, while two-bedroom apartments could range from €800 to €1,200. Prices might see a noticeable increase during the summer months when students and new professionals are looking for accommodation, leading to more competition and potentially higher rents. Additionally, changes in interest rates and inflation can impact landlords' pricing strategies, leading to adjustments in rental prices every few months. Real estate reports have noted that areas closer to the city center or significant transport links may experience more rapid price changes compared to those in the outskirts.

  • What is the average rent for a family-sized apartment in 17 44229 Dortmund?

    In Dortmund, particularly in the postal code area of 44229, the average rent for a family-sized apartment typically ranges from €800 to €1,200 per month, depending on the specific location and amenities. For instance, a three-bedroom apartment with modern features and proximity to schools may cost around €1,000, while older units or those slightly farther from the city center might be closer to €850. Utilities can add an additional €150 to €250 monthly, which families should also consider when budgeting. Overall, the rental market in this part of Dortmund reflects the city’s diverse offerings, making it essential for renters to explore various neighborhoods for the best options available.

  • What factors influence rental prices in 17 44229 Dortmund?

    Rental prices in 17 44229 Dortmund are influenced by a variety of factors that reflect both the local economy and the broader housing market trends. One significant factor is the proximity to amenities such as public transport, schools, and shopping areas, which can increase demand for rental properties. For example, apartments located near the Dortmund main train station or in close distance to the city center typically command higher rents due to easy access to public transportation and a vibrant lifestyle. Additionally, the overall condition and age of the property play a crucial role; well-maintained, modern apartments with updated facilities tend to attract higher rental prices compared to older buildings requiring renovations. The local job market also affects rental prices, as regions with growing employment opportunities, particularly in tech and services, see an influx of residents seeking rental housing, pushing prices upward. Lastly, seasonal trends can impact prices, with peak renting seasons, such as summer, often leading to increased competition and higher rents.

  • Are rental prices in 17 44229 Dortmund increasing or decreasing?

    Rental prices in 17 44229 Dortmund have shown some fluctuations recently, influenced by factors such as demand, local economic conditions, and changes in urban development. Over the past year, the average monthly rent for apartments in this district has edged up by approximately 3-5%, particularly in areas near public transport and amenities. For example, a two-bedroom apartment that was previously listed at €800 per month is now often priced around €830-€840. However, some neighborhoods within Dortmund are experiencing stabilization or even slight decreases, especially those further from the city center where newer housing developments are altering the market dynamics. Additionally, increased availability of rental units due to new constructions has contributed to a mixed rental landscape, where certain segments are becoming more affordable while others remain under pressure.

  • What utilities are typically included in the rent in 17 44229 Dortmund?

    In the 44229 Dortmund area, rent typically includes several utilities that contribute to the overall living experience. Most landlords incorporate heating costs, which can be significant, especially during the colder months. Water and sewage are also frequently bundled with the rent, ensuring tenants don’t have to manage separate bills for these essential services. Additionally, garbage collection is usually covered, providing ease of waste disposal for residents. However, electricity and internet services are often excluded, requiring tenants to set these up independently. In some cases, landlords might offer an all-inclusive rent option that covers more utilities, but this varies by property.